Golf policies and etiquette you broke at Karen Club


The Magical Kenya Open, a part of the European Tour, changed into a learning curve for no longer the best beginner and expert Kenyan golfers but the lovers who thronged the scenic Karen Country Club. For starters, the event’s venue is truely marked ‘Private Members’ Club,’ but in this event, the gates have been yanked open to every person after thorough protection screening. While motion on the golfing route changed into enthralling— with the exuberant Simon Ngige upstaging old hand and bookmakers’ favorite Dismas Indiza — maximum fanatics found a caboodle of rules and etiquette quite suffocating. Below are a number of the not unusual rules that the fans violated on the Kenya Open. Receiving cellphone calls While it’s far common know-how that making phone calls in a golfing direction and in particular at some point of rounds is not allowed, the urge to reply to calls leaves one with a type of an itchy feeling. This becomes the case for maximum nearby newshounds, who had to obtain calls from their editors or colleagues.

All golf Clubs have signage cautioning site visitors beyond which no use of cellular phones is authorized. It additionally spells out a hefty satisfactory for breaking this rule. At the Karen Country Club, an Sh2,000 nice is applicable. Luckily for reporters, the media center was a haven where journalists could make several calls lower back to their News desks without fear of being fined. However, in most instances, a few fanatics and journalists had to duck into nearby hedges and talk in low tones to avoid being whipped. The safest guess, but, was to reply with a simple textual content message. Speaking all through rounds, A whole golfing workout is supposed to make the players secure revel in earlier than smacking the golf ball. For example, golf gamers cannot go away their shadow over a person’s ball while they may be hitting.

Distraction with the aid of fellow players or lovers is sacrilegious. Marshals at the Karen Country Club had a busy time sporting up placards urging fanatics to keep dead silence while gamers had been making their rounds at the direction. While some determined this order, others spoke in hushed tones. Bad manners! Walking across the course Moving throughout the path turned into arguably the most robust venture in particular for first-time traffic, who was now not acquainted with it. Marshals from the National Youth Service (NYS) had been on standby to direct the motion of humans throughout exceptional courses. Golf lovers who attempted to go the fairways throughout rounds had been met with humble but stern NYS stewards, who stopped them on their tracks till a series is completed. This would otherwise have distracted the golf gamers.

Golf policies and etiquette you broke at Karen Club 1

Perhaps the maximum seen mistake made via spectators and widely abused golf etiquette became the apparel. Generally, gentlemen must be placed on shirts with a collar (polo) and colored khakis or capris. Similarly, women can put on collared shirts with khakis or capris, attire, skirts, slacks, golf shorts, or blouses. Normal running shoes are allowed for each sex if they no longer have golf footwear. Although most of the spectators who swamped the Karen route for the European Tour donned their nice golf clothing, others were a whole style catastrophe. To begin with, spectators who matched t-shirts with fitting blue denim jeans and shorts completely missed the mark. Jeans are not allowed on golf publications. Furthermore, others appeared at ease gallivanting the course in sweat pants, oblivious of fundamental ideas of golfing etiquette. Sweat pants, tank tops, t-shirts, reduce-offs, athletic shorts, swim trunks, and tennis shorts are no longer allowed on golf courses.  Enough stated on etiquette. However, folks who placed on fits to the direction actually need to perform a little soul searching and probable apologize to the ancestors and gods of golfing.