Visva-Bharati forms sports teams for girls


Visva-Bharati has decided to shape separate women’s teams in extraordinary sports for the primary time, caused by denial of permission for a 20-yr-antique woman to play cricket with boys in opposition. Megha Das Kabiraj, a 2nd 12 months undergraduate scholar of zoology at Siksha Bhavana in Visva-Bharati, has been a district-stage cricketer for the past years. So the varsity organized an inter-Bhavana cricket match on March 11, in which Megha’s call became enlisted as a player.

Visva-Bharati forms sports teams for girls 1

But her name was struck off the listing on the last second. Megha stated she became bowled over after hearing the good judgment to drop her from the group. “I used to practice with boys and that they had no problem. However, I was harm once I heard that I couldn’t play cricket simplest due to the fact I am a girl.” She then wrote to vice-chancellor Bidyut Chakrabarty about the decision taken by the university’s sports activities board. “When the meeting of the sports board turned into held in February, no person antagonistic my inclusion within the crew. But two days before the fit, deputy director of the sports board Sudarshan Biswas denied me permission to participate in the team in particular for two reasons.

One, the hazard of injury for which I took all obligation. The second reason changed into the opportunity of everybody misbehaving with me,” Megha stated. However, a director, Visva-Bharati, who seems after the sports activities board, Narayan Mondal, said: “The girl had come to me. But we couldn’t permit her to play cricket with guys as in line with college norms. After she approached the VC, a choice turned into taken to have women sports activities teams in cricket, kho-kho, volleyball, and football.”  Tags